Automate solving tickets

Producta (now in GA!) creates the perfect pull request straight from your Linear ticket.

Using LLMs to generate good code is hard. Producta makes it easy by automating the full process: validating the task, planning the work, generating the solution and testing it.

Solving tickets

Producta can directly solve your technical tickets and open pull requests with the solutions

Move the ticket you want solved to the Producta column.

Producta will help you clarify the ticket, if needed.

Producta will open a PR with the solution, reacting to your comments as needed.

Assign the ticket

From idea to technical tickets

Producta also enables you to convert ideas into well-defined technical tasks

Draft your idea in a new ticket.

Move the ticket to the Producta column.

Producta will help you refine the ticket into clearly defined technical task(s).

Create the ticket

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