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Solve tickets faster using AI

Producta brings AI agents to automate solving your tickets.

Give it a technical ticket and it will open a PR with the solution, or give it an idea and it will help creating technical tickets.

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Solving tickets

Producta can directly solve your technical tickets and open pull requests with the solutions

Move the ticket you want solved to the Producta column.

Producta will help you clarify the ticket, if needed.

Producta will open a PR with the solution. You can review it and Producta will update the code as needed.

From idea to technical tickets

Producta also enables you to convert ideas into well-defined technical tasks

Draft your idea in a new ticket.

Move the ticket to the Producta column.

Producta will guide you through the process of refining the ticket into clearly defined technical task(s).

AI is ready, let it do more for you

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